Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
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Airport v2. 60 Build 122 Full Install Freeware software for composing airport scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator. This version supports Flight Simulator versions through Flight Simulator 2000 and CFS II. Many improvements have been made to support Windows 98 2000 and FS2000. The install includes SCASM v2. 50 scenery compiler. Users with prior installation of Airport v2. 60 should install the Build Upgrade. Original Airport written by Pascal Meziat. Airport v2. 60 by Tom Hiscox SCASM written by Manfred Moldenhauer and used with permission. website: http: www. flightsimnetwork. com airportsupport. email: airportsupport@fligh tsim. com

Filesize: 6.81 MB | Added on: Jul 07, 2002 | Downloads: 1939

Users Reviews
Airport v2.60 Build 122 Full Install Freeware program. Rating: 5.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

tyrbekrating: 5
November 17, 2002