Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000

Add-ons Developing Tools Downloads page 1 of 4

  Tutorials virtual cockpit Grzeslaw Bator  

Your can use freeware no commercial. Use at your own risk. I am in no way responsible for anything that happens to you or your equipment as a result of using these files.

Downloads: 2004 | 792 bytes
  Flight Simulator Scenery Makers  
Flight Simulator Scenery Makers image 1

Converts Latitude and Longitude Values for the three most commonly used conventions. Thanks for using. Author: Carmel Grech 2005 Version 1.1

Downloads: 2088 | 280.40 Kb
  Fireworks smoke & steam effects APIs effecs Flightsim  
Fireworks smoke & steam effects APIs image 1
Textures Only

In your Flightsim FS2004 FS9 effects folder. Various dates and instructions included using Matthias Brckners program with EOD. For scenery designers exclusively. jimmy R martin 100904

Downloads: 2719 | 607.41 Kb
  GMAX source code FS2004 Boeing 707-420 visual model  

( George Carty, modified from 707-320B by Rok Dolenec.

Downloads: 1877 | 985.30 Kb
  C++ source code FS2004 Boeing 707-420 panel  

( George Carty.

Downloads: 1560 | 4.67 MB
  04ScenPk.Zip A fully -contained bundle placing FS2004 msfs  
04ScenPk.Zip fully -contained bundle image 1

FS2004 msfs default library objects in the sim scenery using the Scenery SDK released by Microsoft in December 2003. The bundle is aimed at those with little or no scenery design know-how or experience and contains a detailed tutorial and instructions. by Roger ...

Downloads: 3245 | 5.20 MB
  FS2Kx CFSx Gauge Creation Tutorial Rev (1) 

14. Not for non-programmers but can be used by non-C programmers. Addition of info on how to avoid the Flight Simulator is unable to load.... message. For programming C-language instruments gauges only. By Dai Griffiths, Dragonflight Design.

Downloads: 2121 | 3.36 MB
  Scenery Macro Designers Add Heavy Metal Band Iron Maiden  
Scenery Macro Scenery Designers Add Heavy image 1
Textures Only

Band Iron Maiden Performing On Stage. Use Scale Of 0.02. By Andy Johnston.

Downloads: 1824 | 283.27 Kb
  texture Gallery Cee8.bgl A Scenery Shows Landclass  
texture Gallery Cee8.bgl Scenery File image 1

All The Landclass Textures Available In Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Downloads: 2216 | 736.83 Kb
  FStarToFS2K possibility convert Jeppesen FliteStar  

FliteStar FliteMap(R) 8.x Version Flight Plans to Microsoft Flight Simulator(R) 2000 2002 2004 Flight Plans, thereafter called MS Flight Simulator Flight plans. Meanwhile Flight plans for Ted Wrights NAV3.x, Alessandro Antoninis Super Flight Planner, Radar ...

Downloads: 1729 | 1.85 MB