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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
American Eagle CRJ-700. PROJECT OPENSKY BOMBARDIER CRJ-700 V3 for FS2004 American Eagle. This aircraft is made by Project Opensky. Model Builder: Hiroshi Igami Nicholas Wilkinson Flight Dynamics: Brandon Henry Master Textures: Dickson Chan Gary Hayes Painted: Gary Hayes Sound Package: Emil Serafino Technical Resources: Justin Lamb Brian Kircher Stephan Kruse Benjamin Fluth Lamar Williams Features (in depth) : This model is designed specifically for FS2004 only. Fully-animated control surfaces and Trim Animation Animated thrust reversers Rolling wheels and highly detailed animated landing gear mechanism Highly detailed fuselage, tail, wings and misc textures Detailed night textures with realistic lighting effects Dynamic Wing Flex with XML Coding XML-coded Nose Gear Steering with steering l
Show more... ock at high rolling speed. Fully independent XML landing gear suspension Highly detailed Passenger Door L1 with integrated Airstair and handrail opened by Shift+E Detailed under-floor baggage compartment & Aft baggage compartment opened by Shift+E+2 Detailed under-floor baggage compartment door opened by Shift+E+2 Highly detailed Lektro (towbarless) Pushback Tug Wing views And more. Show less...

Filesize: 12.98 MB | Added on: Oct 23, 2010 | Downloads: 2546

Users Reviews
American Eagle CRJ-700. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

1443286549-facebookrating: 10
November 12, 2010