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Complete Aircraft
Iberia Airbus A380-800. Project Airbus Airbus A380-800 features dynamic wingflex with input from several new parameters including ground spoilers, fuel load, and angle of attack control surface droop when the engines are off independent parallel bogies when on the ground custom tire rotation code animated pack vents idle-reverser animation ground spoilers smoothed gear and flap animations customised nosewheel steering animation accurate aileron LAF simulation custom coded engine fan start-up and shutdown animations windmilling engine fans (incl. fan inertia) improved antenna hiding methodalpha no longer required, thereby avoiding the fuse hole issue in flight simulator X SP2 animated window wipers animated probe sensors hard coded double strobes doors operation Select exit (Shift + E) : 1L
Show more... Tail hook up down (not assigned to a key binding created by default) : all cargo doors Wing fold unfold (not assigned to a key binding created by default) : 1R, 5R, 5L Shift + E + 2: 2L Shift + E + 3: 1L (upper deck) Shift + E + 4: 1R (upper deck) Water rudder up down (not assigned to a key binding created by default) : deactivate window wipers credits the PA team: Demetris Themistocleous, Derek Mayer, Sheldon Fernandes, Tom Collins, Alexis Vletsas thanks to: Andy Warden, John Tavendale, Steve McBee, Shane Olguin, Panagiotis Delizisis, Thanasis Delizisis, Ken Mitchell, Talal Alhaj, Fraser Turner Show less...

Filesize: 10.42 MB | Added on: Oct 23, 2010 | Downloads: 2940

Users Reviews
Iberia Airbus A380-800. Rating: 8.60 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

jeeps261rating: 9
April 14, 2011
DA-Grating: 9
January 3, 2011
jag6242rating: 8
December 12, 2010
very good, needs panel
pantrontrating: 10
November 21, 2010
super ok
voldemort1234rating: 7
November 20, 2010
That is a good plane. s pity, there no cockpit for that very plane, B747