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13N Trinca Airport, NJ. Design by: Drew Sikora Located 03 miles SW of Andover, New Jersey on 12 acres of land, Trinca Airport is a small turf field publicly owned by Green Township. Parking is available on the turf patch around the hangars. Field is unlit, hence the airport is closed Sunset to sunrise. Scenery constructed with use of Google Maps images, the author has not been there in person. This scenery is meant to be used in conjunction with MegaScenery Earth New York 007. It is not required, but apron use is minimized to allow satellite scenery to show through as much as possible lack of it may make scenery look out of place. Airport Remarks No fuel Wind Indicator: Yes, Not Lighted ARPT CLSD SS-SR

Filesize: 863.05 Kb | Added on: Oct 14, 2010 | Downloads: 951