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FS2004 Boeing 717 panel for dual monitors. This Panel requires a computer operating system and video card that can span the display across two monitors. A working knowledge of how to set up the displays is assumed developed by the author. I have not made any of the gauges. They are either default or third party so credit goes to the original authors. The panel bit map has been created using multiple sources including a half panel developed by Capt. Rad James Yarjan, modified during many hours of work using Paint Shop. If you recognise any part as yours then thank you and your work is acknowledged. Remember that this panel is freeware and provided free of charge for the benefit of all flight simmers. [Disclaimer] Although I have never had any problems using this panel it is used entirely at your own risk. Alan M Harvey Email: alanmharveyatgmail. com

Filesize: 13.50 MB | Added on: Aug 20, 2010 | Downloads: 1491