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MODERN VC PANEL FOR BEECH D18S. created by MILTON SHUPE This is another how-it-could-be option of a modern style VC panel for the wonderful bird created by guru Milton Shupe and his team, based on a panel configuration which is used with Twinbeech of later models. It is an VC option only (no main panel) with some additional panels, allowing to start and fly the aeroplane in a outside view mode. The instrument staff consists basically of the original gauges to include the radio-set created by Pierre Fasseaux and some other gauges fished out from the WEB-space (sorry, I did not find the author names) or default flightsim 2004 ones, adopted created by me for the purpose. My original work includes new vc01, vc02 and ElectPopup (panel folder) files only. I also adopted vc01L, vc02L and vc03L fi
Show more... les (instrument panel illumination) in a texture folder for the new panel. To install the panel: extract the zip to a temporary folder; back up the original files; copy the aircraft and gauge folders to flightsim 2004 main directory. The panel is created with the use of FS Panel Studio panel editor utility (http: www. fspanelstudio. com) Vladimir Gonchar blanikatbk. ru Show less...

Filesize: 13.74 MB | Added on: Aug 11, 2010 | Downloads: 1654