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Vancouver Extras (British Columbia). This is an flightsim X scenery designed with a clean install of flightsim X and no addons such as Ultimate Terrain, so if you have such addons objects may appear where they were not intended to be. Scenery complexity was set to normal. In and around the city of Vancouver are several landable helipads, some are located near the water on docks and three (3) are located on top of highrise buildings. There is an aerial map showing the locations. Other objects included cargo ships, a carrier with escort ships, cruise ships at sea and in port. Various marinas placed at various locations, mostly north of the city. includes many other objects around the area. Install: Place the unzipped Vancouver Extras folder into FSXs addon scenery folder and activate in the
Show more... default manner. Designed with three external libraries which were migrated from flightsim 2004 but they work great. Textures included for the 3 flightsim 2004 libraries. This scenery was designed to enhance your flightsim X world. Questions comments.. .. . send to rnh6ekathotmail. com Please subject line should be Vancouver extras or it may get deleted. Thank you for downloading this scenery.. .. .. please enjoy! savageagle AW702 ga864sa hc864sa Show less...

Filesize: 8.73 MB | Added on: Aug 06, 2010 | Downloads: 1675

Users Reviews
Vancouver Extras British Columbia. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

tomy261rating: 10
May 9, 2012
i say it s ok good D