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McCarran International Airport KLAS. developed by Kambiz Agazi Two changes since the last release of KLAS: 1. In this version of KLAS, the curved approach technique is for the AI aeroplane only. The LOC symbol Freq. has been removed leaving only the ILS header info with a hard floor Final approach fix for AI to use. The ILS info has been placed at the end of the approach list and in theory should not be offered to the user. Theres no ILS symbol or freq. The benefit of this new option is that KLAS runway IAPs are preserved per real world specifications and AI will have an added benefit of the hidden curved approach when the 7s 19s are active. This added benefit will prevent AI from flying through the mountains on approach to 7R or 19R. 2. Gate numbers at the new extension to the D gates at
Show more... Terminal 1 have been updated per the offcial Web site. Thanks to user feedback! Installation: Only 1 KLAS should be active at any given time. Remove other versions before installing and activating. There are several ways to activate scenery in FSX. My preference is to create a folder called KLAS with a scenery subfolder. Place the TWO KLAS bgl files in the scenery subfolder. You will need to activate the KLAS folder once in FSX. I suggest placing it at or near the top of the scenery priority list above ALL regional, state or national scenery including UTX USA. Report all major errors to: kambizagaziathotmail . com All other changes to my previous version of KLAS are shown below and are included in this version as well. KLAS represents a modification to the default fsx scenery. Some of the changes include: New or reworked taxiways, vehicle paths, holding pads; cargo parking; aprons and ramp parkings; new extension to the D gates at Terminal 1 (based on google maps and the web page) ; airline Terminal assignments per web page; runway lighting, markings and approach lighting, blastpads and more per airnav and google maps; all runways active; full airport scenery (except jetways) at the dense setting; landclass at the airport based on fsx stock; all new IAPs with missed approach procedures for all runways per the most current plates it was necessary to redo the final ILS and RNAV (GPS) approaches for all Rwys as well; Tower view set per specifications; and new airport buildings near the cargo area per google maps. fsx stock KLAS contains incorrect runway specifications for all runways including a hold short issue at 19R due to an incorrect indentification of a blastpad extending the final length of the runway up to the runway start location. Per satellite images and personal observations this should have been an offset threshold. Other issues relating to Rwys 7R, 1R and 1L regarding hold shorts and aircraft entry points (start locations) were also modified based on current runway specifications and improve AI ground traffic flow for aircraft taking off from 7R and landing on either 1L or 1R. In order to improve traffic flow and reduce the number of go-arounds, I also closed Rwy 7L-25R for landing (take-off only). All other Rwys are open for both landing and take off. Also, per the latest IAP charts 19R and 19L RNAV (GPS) are offset and require a turn to final. 19R and 19L contain directional holds. The user aeroplane will be required to make one turn prior to lining up and continuing to final. Acknowledgements: KLAS was updated using the powerful airport design utility developed by Jon Masterson (ADE v1. 47. 7). Please visit here: http: www. airportdesigneditor. co. uk for more information. The new approaches were created using the latest official plates (IAPs) and ADE v1. 45. A special thanks to Jim Vile who is a member of the ADE team and is the author of the approach code module of ADE. The IAPs, final approaches and missed approaches to all runways would not have been possible without Jims KIAD tutorial, KLASilsJV file (please see avsim for the file) and help. Special Notes: KLAS includes 3 diamond crossings (2 at 7L 25R and 1 at 1R 19L) to improve ground traffic flow during peak traffic times. If you keep your traffic settings below 50 you probably wont notice any difference. The DIAMOND crossing technique was first developed and introduced developed by Jim Vile. I used Jims KMIA scenery located at avsim as an example to introduce this technique at KLAS. KLAS also includes a base leg approach for AI Traffic to runways 07R and 19R with a left turn to final. These non-published approaches (vectors to final) were first introduced developed by Jim Vile and are known as his curved approach technique. This technique can be seen in his KLASilsJV scenery located at avsim. Please see the readme file in Jims scenery for a more detailed explanation regarding this curved approach technique. The purpose for this approach at KLAS is to prevent AI from flying into through the high terrain located mainly to the north and west of the airport while on final to Rwys 07R or 19R (based on winds). The Las Vegas Control Tower will clear all AI Traffic (IFR FP only) landing either on 19R or 7R (based on winds) to fly a left base leg to these runways and then the AI Planes will make a left turn (curve) on a short 1. 5 nm final. I used a 1. 5 nm turn as I observed MOST MTX 5. 2 Planes were able to fly the curve and land on the runways (results may vary based on x-winds and FDEs). In this version, the user will not be offered either of the ILS curved approaches. Show less...

Filesize: 213.20 Kb | Added on: Aug 05, 2010 | Downloads: 1906

Users Reviews
McCarran Intl Airport KLAS. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

fc_12961231768486709607rating: 9
November 26, 2010
i love landing at this airport great work