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Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Welcome to the roof of the world, Himalaya in Nepal with Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. There are four adventures in the area among witch one will bring you over Mount Everest. Thank you for downloading them all. You must fly FS2002 with FSNavigator installed and its a good idea to have LAGO FSSE. Having LAGO there will be some surprises for you-. You and your friends can enjoy these adventures, its absolutely free, but dont try to make money out of it. Remember there has been a lots of work making the adventure. Remember the author have all the rights. If you have any questions, suggestions or else, feel free to write to me on my mail-address: msadressen_at_privat . dk. Thank you and have nice flights. Best wishes from Mikael Seedorff.

Filesize: 897.09 Kb | Added on: Aug 24, 2006 | Downloads: 1838

Users Reviews
roof world Himalaya Nepal with Mount Everest highest. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

VF20_LEDFOOTrating: 8
September 4, 2006
Is this scenery usable in FS9 2004 The description says 2002 but it is posted under scenery.