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FS2004 USS Freedom Bell & Statue Of Liberty Mesh The USS Freedom Bell is making its Port-of-Call in the Hudson River, New York City, New York. The USS Bell is just passing the Statue of Liberty _at_ N40 41. 00 W74 2. 30. SOL by Daniel Bchter (C) & Tatu Kantomaa for the (SOL) Statue Of Liberty addon mesh scenery. I have tried to reach him, he left no email. I thank him so much for his great talent in rendering this object. Check it out at night! Added MEATBALL VASI: TCRV. Complete CL-II ILS NAV system. Planner Airport ID: BELL. Use MAP for Nav. Info. Flight plan capable using ILS, VFR, & GPS. 100% functional COMMs. ArresterCables. dat file for Flightsim FS2004 FS9 included. Trap & Cat Zones map included. MUST HAVE RCBCO-20 INSTALLED IN Flightsim FS2004 FS9 & Aircraft cinfigured for this type of carrier ops. Will work on Flight Deck 3 4. stevehinson_at_swneb r. net

Filesize: 4.69 MB | Added on: Aug 23, 2006 | Downloads: 4102

Users Reviews
FS2004 USS Freedom Bell & Statue Liberty Mesh making. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

sgtommycrating: 9
January 8, 2008
Realy nice one, and finaly an easy to find Carrier
managerandyrating: 9
September 12, 2006
Spot on Well done