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Cranwell College EGYD United Kingdom In 1915 the Royal Naval Air Service sought to establish a single unit at which officers and ratings could be trained to fly aeroplanes, observer kite balloons and airships. Tradition has it that a young Naval pilot was briefed to fly around until he found a piece of land that was both large enough and flat enough for the purpose. It is said that he flew over Cranwell and thought it quite admirable. Of the Mike Stones Hanger members, JasBo provided the research material. B1lancer provided the beta testing and follow-up research. I consider these to fellows as co-authors. Other contributing members include mulletman, The Flying Banana Jr, Dana and NWADC9. Thanks for your encouragement Tom Clayton. Enjoy. Rick Connolly r_connolly_at_charte r. net

Filesize: 2.27 MB | Added on: Aug 13, 2005 | Downloads: 1443

Users Reviews
Cranwell College EGYD United Kingdom 1915 Royal Naval. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

bayleafrating: 10
August 13, 2005
Excellent, bulging with detail, thanks a lot