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FS2004 Mawlamyine Future-Airport VYMM. After opening of the Asian-Highway A1, that should lead from Viatnam up to Turkey, the Mawlamyine-Airport VYMM will increase in meaning drastically. Mawlamyine (Moulmein), the fourth-biggest city and former capital of Burma (Myanmar) lies exclusively barely 80 km to the west of the Thai border and in the stretch-section Myawaddy-Thaton, with his construction was begun in the spring 2005. The bridge over the Thanlwin-River was already handed over to the traffic on February 05, 2005. On the new Airport big airplanes, like the B-744 and the A-388, can start and land. Installation in Deutsch and English. By HOUSE-RP, Switzerland houserp_at_bluewin. ch

Filesize: 588.10 Kb | Added on: Aug 12, 2005 | Downloads: 1031