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FS2004 Gliders Downloads page 4 of 4

  FS2004 MAG Basis 15 Glider A fictional meter sports glider (5) 
FS2004 MAG Basis 15 Glider fictional 15 meter image 1
Complete Aircraft with VC

Glider airplane with full controls and pilot animations and Gmax effects. Includes detailed virtual cockpit with tailored instruments gauges and dynamic highlights. By Bryan and Kevin Gibson.

Downloads: 4807 | 1.67 MB
  FS2004 Diamond HK36 Motor Glider TTS115 Super Dimona Day (7) 
FS2004 Diamond HK36 Motor Glider TTS115 Super image 2
Complete Aircraft with VC

Flyer Reg_ID: D-KACL - TECHNOFLUG. A complete bundle with panel, VC, Sound, HTML Check & Ref List. Designed in Flight Simulator Design Studio (FSDS) 2.24 with complete animation. Features flexing wings, opening canopy, Reflective textures, feathering ...

Downloads: 5553 | 8.67 MB
  FS2004 Diamond HK36 Motor Glider TTD115 Super Dimona Day  
FS2004 Diamond HK36 Motor Glider TTD115 Super image 1
Complete Aircraft with VC

Flyer Reg_ID: N274JH out of Princeton MN, USA A complete bundle with panel, VC, Sound, HTML Check & Ref List. Made in Flight Simulator Design Studio (FSDS) 2.24 with complete animation. Features a dynamic VC, opening canopy etc. Design by Pavel Toman, ...

Downloads: 3665 | 8.59 MB
  FS2004 Diamond HK36 Motor Glider TTD115 Katana Xtreme (1) 
FS2004 Diamond HK36 Motor Glider TTD115 Katana image 1
Complete Aircraft with VC

Reg_ID: N40440 A Private Aircraft based in Somis, California, USA. A Complete Package with Panel, VC, Sound, HTML Check & Ref List Made in Flight Simulator Design Studio (FSDS) 2.24 with complete animation. Features a dynamic VC, opening canopy etc. ...

Downloads: 3533 | 8.88 MB
  FS2002 FS2004 Moni Experimental Homebuilt Motorglider (1) 
FS2002/FS2004 Moni Experimental image 1
Complete Aircraft with VC

Motorglider by Monnett Experimental Aircraft Company. This model features an opening canopy, detailed Virtual Cockpit with functioning instruments, FS2002 Panel adaption folder, animated control surfaces, working suspension, turning pilots head, and a wild ...

Downloads: 2550 | 9.90 MB
  SKYDIVER Flightsim FS2004 FS9 man flies with good (27) 
SKYDIVER Flightsim FS2004/FS9 man image 1
Complete Aircraft

With good stability and control from high altitudes until you change aircraft to the Parafoil for landing. FD and design adjustments by Tom Goodrick.

Downloads: 11620 | 872.99 Kb
  Gmax Version 4 hot air balloon FS2004.Author Frank J (8) 
Gmax Version 4 hot air balloon image 1
Complete Aircraft

J. Petriccione.(C)

Downloads: 6014 | 2.22 MB
  Fs2004 paper airplane (7) 
Fs2004 paper airplane image 1
Complete Aircraft

25 foot long gmax paper airplane with the. Schweizr 2-32 files. Will do 400+ knots in. A steep dive, but starts to become. Unstable around 275-280. No animations,. No panel, very simple visual model, only. 50 polys. Fun to fly especially in tower. View. By bill ...

Downloads: 3117 | 1.10 MB
  Fs2004 schweizer glider airplane improved glide with winds  
Fs2004 schweizer glider airplane improved image 1
Complete Aircraft with VC

Even with no winds. Totaly modified dynamics makes it fully manouverable. Excellent for aerobatics. Panel included. Dynamics and panel upgrade by alejandro villa

Downloads: 2695 | 3.90 MB
  Ka 8 Vers 5 Fs2002 2004 A One Seat Glider High Performance (3) 
Ka 8 Vers image 1
Complete Aircraft

5 For Fs2002 2004 A One Seat Glider For High Performance In The 60s. The First Flight Was In 1958. Built: 1180 Units By Schleicher And Others By Wolfgang Piper.

Downloads: 3219 | 380.05 Kb