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Complete Aircraft
SKYDIVER FOR USE IN Flightsim FS2004 FS9 This man flies with good stability and control from high altitudes until you change aircraft to the Parafoil for landing. FD and design adjustments by Tom Goodrick.

Filesize: 872.99 Kb | Added on: Jul 23, 2004 | Downloads: 11620

Users Reviews
SKYDIVER FS2004 FS9 man flies with good stability and. Rating: 4.56 of 10 over a total of 27 reviews.

luchanrating: 10
November 1, 2012
Very good
thee8ballrating: 5
July 1, 2007
how do you get parafoil thing loses control cant it dont download
nicknitro71rating: 1
March 1, 2007
Don t bother.
The_flying_Tigerrating: 7
October 22, 2006
Victor5691rating: 2
September 8, 2006
CONATUSrating: 10
February 19, 2006
irulerating: 9
February 14, 2006
The para dude rules
aabbcca-380rating: 10
December 13, 2005
very good
davitorating: 1
November 29, 2005
thunderpants0rating: 7
September 7, 2005
Looks realy cool
jedinightrating: 1
August 24, 2005
WTF......crap, ive never seen somethin like this, but uv got imagination kid
ac80rating: 1
July 17, 2005
fock you
marc9096rating: 1
April 2, 2005
redragonrating: 1
March 11, 2005
this add on does not have the canape with it. texture is horid and animation os from stong age. a lot of work needed model
guitar52338rating: 10
January 30, 2005
love this addon. had alot of fun with it
nicolazrating: 10
November 20, 2004
tim_devillerating: 1
November 7, 2004
Can be fun. Otherwise crap don t download it
moscowpoorating: 6
August 23, 2004
this could use meny things, but the overall is good. one thing i like doing with skydiver flying a f 15 over San fransico bay out by aircraft carryer and pretending got shot, then useing sky diver eject bay. its fun The parafoil works well, thanks for download
bunglistrating: 5
August 10, 2004
If u need the parafoil, its available from http goodrick Happy Falling
kenikrating: 2
August 9, 2004
The bigest improvment for this file would be to have it include the parafoil. After that texture, animation and modeling tweaks wouldnt hurt. Great idea though.. too bad s all is.
fgkrating: 1
August 8, 2004
CRAP Plz finish ur work... Then i ill dl it again... nice idea though....
nafka2004rating: 2
July 29, 2004
great idea if the file was complete, being James Bond though, I swithed to ultralight and glided home LOL
yotommyrating: 7
July 28, 2004
its good but small problem with the man always hitting ground abit hard. i think need a parofoil or very strong pain killers
dfarrrrating: 1
July 27, 2004
does any one know how to get the canape out
skyman4urating: 7
July 25, 2004
as a skydiver myself fun model i have often looked for but the parafoil is not included where can download it plz. cheers
dracoxrating: 4
July 24, 2004
Not a bad idea. However I could not get the parafoil to deploy selecting new aircraft model of was included in download . think this would be great idea and alot fun but it needs help.
gravytrainrating: 1
July 23, 2004
WOW What can I say this model.... Needs alot of detail,animation, and texture HELP The only thing good about model was the Idea.