Posky AutoBrake Panel for 2 Engine Aircrafts, Version 1.3
(c) 2008, 2009 Hiroshi Igami, Jakob Klein

This set includes Posky Autobrake Panel set for 2 engine aircraft
(There is a separate version availiable for 4 engine aircraft)

A .... How to install
1. Copy the Pky_Autobrake folder to the Panel folder of the aircraft
2. Add the following lines to the panel.cfg

Below is a example listed, where XX stands for the next available
ascending number in the [Window Titles] section - most important: both
must be exactly the same, for the 747 e.g. 09

[Window Titles]
WindowXX=Posky AutoBrake


gauge00=Pky_Autobrake!Pky_Autobrake_Init, 0, 0
gauge01=Pky_Autobrake!Pky_AutoBrake_Panel, 0, 0
gauge02=Pky_Autobrake!Pky_AutoBrake, 0, 0

B .... How it works
Basically there are the RTO , OFF , 1 , 2 , 3 , MAX modes and added
functionality like ground spoiler and "overbraking"

RTO - Rejected Takeoff Mode

When the aircraft is on the ground, set to RTO mode by switching the
dial or hit the standard spoiler arm keys (US shift + /, German version
and others shift + #).
After the aircraft reaches an IAS of more than 50kt with atleast one
throttle levers up more than 70%m the RTO mode is armed.
When at least one throttle lever gets lower than 50%, the A/B will auto-
matically brake at maximum availiable brake (100% MMAB), extend the
spoilers down to 20kt or if disarmed via rotating to OFF position.
When the aircraft gets airborne the RTO mode automatically disarms and
switches A/B mode to off.

OFF - Autobrake OFF

1 , 2 , 3 and MAX - Landing Modes

Set apropriate prior landing either via dial or spoiler arm (shift + /
or shift + # - arms default to mode "2") as part of aproach checklist.
When the aircraft touches down and both gears are compressed, the A/B
activates. Spoilers are extended and brakes will be automatically used
up to the specified maximum (or more if you apply manual brake, see
"overbrake" below) until the aircraft gets slower than 40kt IAS, where
spoilers are retracted. If you advance one of the throttles above 70%
again A/B automatically deactivates and retracts spoilers for go-around.

The respective autobrake power of 1, 2, 3 and MAX is as following:
1 --- 20% MMAB (Maximum manual applicable brake)
2 --- 40% MMAB
3 --- 60% MMAB
MAX --- 80% MMAB

Which seems are the same settings as the default MS Autobrake.
Note: For normal Landings Mode 2 is set. MAX is only used in very rare


It is possible to override the maximum power setting of the A/B via
applying brakes manually via rudder pedals (assymetrical brake is
supported). This is usefull if the stop has to be made sooner than
planned, as for e.g. other traffic is crossing your runway.

Words on our descision overriding the default spoiler logic

As the default spoiler logic is very simple and does not distinguish
between speedbrake and ground spoiler (either on takeoff or landing), we
decided to override it with our own code. For this reason, the autobrake
panel must be opened once before we can intercept the "spoiler-arm" key.
Please keep that in mind, if you want to change the "visible=1" line in
the panel.cfg.

We wish you safe and fun landings,

Hiroshi Igami and Jakob Klein, Project Opensky


My thanks go to Hiroshi Igami who programmed the original POSKY A/B
gauges up to version 1.2 and allowed to use his work as base for my
extensions. - Jakob Klein

Copyright 2008, 2009 Hiroshi Igami and Jakob Klein of Project Opensky

This is freeware and shall not be charged for in any way or offered in
payware packages or on paid membership sites. Use at your own risk, as
there is no support offered, although we are thankful for feedback and
we will try to fix bugs if possible.

You cannot include this in any package other than with POSKY aircraft,
without getting permissions first. If you make your own A/B and use some
of our ideas, it would be nice to give us credit.

For contact, visit www.projectopensky.com and send message via the forum

Tuesday, 30th June 2009