DISCLAIMER: The files included in this package have not been created by me - I just fixed a few errors, tested them in FS2002 and put them in one place.

OK Simmers, I am sure many of you already know much of this but I am also sure many do not...
FS2002 is likely the best Flight Simulator for people like myself who are just having some fun, I am NOT a pilot and the info I provide may help you get FS2002 to do what you want but I have little idea if any of my modifications make things 'more realistic', just more fun...

This package assumes you can add aircraft and make simple edits to the aircraft.cfg files, I will try to give brief explainations in some cases but if you are totally lost as to how you add aircraft, sounds and panels to FS2002 I suggest FlightZip or some other utility to do this for you.
One of the better applications ( all I will mention are FREE ) to manage aircraft ect is called AddIt! Pro, it will allow you easy access to the aircraft.cfg files as well as sound and panel configs. Anyway, to the good stuff...

I will cover these areas in the files named below:
Getting ATC ( Air Traffic Control ) to recognize your 3rd party aircraft properly - ATC.txt
Modifying the Aircraft used by the AI in FS2002 ( the other planes flying around ) - AI.txt
Better, more advanced Flight Plans - PLAN.txt
Other Tips and Tricks ( aircraft, flight plan, sound and panel fixes - TIPS.txt
Things I am looking for ( maybe you can help me ;> - LOOKING4.txt

If you need to contact me: