El Ranchito airport, Corozal, Belize (CZH)

El Ranchito services the Belize border town of Corozal. The landing strip is about 600 yards long and 12 yards wide. On both ends of the strip the forest has been cleared but be careful about the brushes replacing the trees (can damage an aircraft just as easily as a tree, its just not as tall)

MZ60 is a designator I have given this airstrip, it has no official ICAO designator but an IATA designator (CZH).


Simply unzip the *.bgl files into the Addon Scenery/scenery folder.


Remove the files from the Addon Scenery/scenery folder.


These files have been partially generated by SbuilderX and Airport Design Editor and the coordinates are generated from Google Earth.

The legalities

Copyright is by Alf B. Meier (2007). These files are distributed as FREEWARE and intended to remain such, the distribution under condition of remuneration and/or material or non-material obligation is absolutely prohibited. Under this fall especially web sites that charge per download or where download is only possible by means of premium dialers.

The distribution on sites that advocate violence and/or pornography is also prohibited.


There should be no problems with any of these files, in case that you run into one send me an e-mail to: laughATotenetDOTgr and put “FSX for Alf” into the subject or chances are good that your mail gets bounced by my spam filter.

Have fun

Alf B. Meier
January 2, 2008