FS2004 TED IN SIN CITY (12396) SurClaro Photos Landed in KLAS after a perfect flight from KSFO. I tried out the FS Passengers Demo with this flight, and I think I have one of my Christmas wishes right there! :-) photo
FS2004 F117 (12394) SurClaro Photos One of the birds i flew over ten years ago... i'm still connected to it. Currently diving to get some healthy mountain cover. photo
FS2004 My New Flight 1 ATR (9359) SurClaro Photos My new ATR, and what a great addon it is! I like it so much. The Wilco A380 is good too, but does anyone know where I can get repaints? And how do you use the little computer as a GPS? photo
FS2004 Delivery (9365) SurClaro Photos early morning delivery london gatwick. there was some crosswinds so my front wheel did not touch the centerline at touch down. rate it photo
FS2004 TFISH777JALM3 (12401) SurClaro Photos Meljet Boeing 777-200ER Japan Airlines MushiKing Family Jet. I set higher settings and made the resoulution higher to hopefully get better pictures. This was only a test so thats why I am not flying in the air. photo