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SimFlyers KMCO V2.0

The new SimFlyers Miami International Airport Version 2 Scenery is out of this world. After flying to and from SimFlyers scenery in the demo I have concluded that this is a must buy. The gates will pull right up to you with a simple frequency change and a viewable docking system will bring you right up to the gate. The parked aircraft add to the quality of the aircraft and really make a difference. My computer is not the best but this scenery doesn't freeze my computer for one second. The buildings and terminal textures are amazing and very detailed.

There are only a few things that I do not like about the new scenery. First off the aircraft are not always in the correct spots in the airport. Default aircraft will be placed in parking lots and on the grass if you have the traffic volume settings high.

I would recommend that you buy this scenery. At least try the demo. Everything functions except there is a huge SimFlyers logo in the middle of the airport.

Go to to view all the pictures, demos, and other airports they have to offer.

Added: August 11th 2004
Related Link: SimFlyers
Hits: 28439


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