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> FS2004 > PA-38 Tommahawk

FS2004 PA-38 Tommahawk

- [1024 x 768 JPG]
I got my ppl in this plane it can be very unforgiving especially during stalling when one wing will always drop and you never know which one!  I've always been too busy to check but it's said that if you look back at the tail while stalling you'll never want to it again in this plane.  - Photo 9273
I got my ppl in this plane it can be very unforgiving especially during stalling when one wing will always drop and you never know which one! I've always been too busy to check but it's said that if you look back at the tail while stalling you'll never want to it again in this plane.
Submitted by : brettr10
Added : Jul 14 2005
Hits : 4996