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> FS2004 > 757-200 Astro-Jet

FS2004 757-200 Astro-Jet

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Guffair, I really tried to make Adams National interesting, but I have no add on/payware for any airport, and apparently Microsoft didn't feel the need to give much attention to the terminals there.  So, I just shot another 757 over Little Rock......Thanks again for your kind words:-) - Photo 7620
Guffair, I really tried to make Adams National interesting, but I have no add on/payware for any airport, and apparently Microsoft didn't feel the need to give much attention to the terminals there. So, I just shot another 757 over Little Rock......Thanks again for your kind words:-)
Submitted by : boiengman777
Added : Apr 17 2005
Hits : 2732
rating 9.25 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews