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> FS2004 > SKBO, El Dorado traffic 3

FS2004 SKBO, El Dorado traffic 3

- [1024 x 768 JPG]
Here we see at sunrise, the international terminal in SKBO El dorado Bogota, Colombia. you can see a Fischer B737, Summa B757, Aces A320, Avianca B767, BAW B777, Virgin B747, Iberia A340, and in the far back we can see a FAC C-130 and an Aces B727.
traffic: lfpp
Scenery: Acof Jetways and terminals

 - Photo 5589
Here we see at sunrise, the international terminal in SKBO El dorado Bogota, Colombia. you can see a Fischer B737, Summa B757, Aces A320, Avianca B767, BAW B777, Virgin B747, Iberia A340, and in the far back we can see a FAC C-130 and an Aces B727. traffic: lfpp Scenery: Acof Jetways and terminals
Submitted by : aescobar32
Added : Oct 07 2004
Hits : 4883
SKBO, El Dorado traffic 3 rating 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews