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> FS2004 > Space Shuttle Landing at dusk

FS2004 Space Shuttle Landing at dusk

- [800 x 600 JPG]
Dusk landing of the Space Shuttle at Cape Canaveral in Florida.  This is my first shot uploaded.  I have litterally 1000's of them and will start to share them here.   I hope you enjoy them. - Photo 4137
Dusk landing of the Space Shuttle at Cape Canaveral in Florida. This is my first shot uploaded. I have litterally 1000's of them and will start to share them here. I hope you enjoy them.
Submitted by : SpectroPro
Added : Jan 13 2004
Hits : 3224
Space Shuttle Landing at dusk rating 6.33 of 10 over a total of 6 reviews