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> FS2002 > Traffic at Minneapolis #2

FS2002 Traffic at Minneapolis #2

- [963 x 741 jpg]
This is another KMSP traffic pic! my second on the web! any feedback wud be appreciated, this is backedup all the way to runway 30L, thats totaly on the other side of the entire airport! This airport needs a new planner! - Photo 2696
This is another KMSP traffic pic! my second on the web! any feedback wud be appreciated, this is backedup all the way to runway 30L, thats totaly on the other side of the entire airport! This airport needs a new planner!
Submitted by : planemaniac88
Added : May 09 2003
Hits : 3052
Traffic at Minneapolis #2 rating 7.33 of 10 over a total of 6 reviews