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> FS2004 > St. Maartens

FS2004 St. Maartens

- [1100 x 880 jpg]
Thanks to all of your help and support, I was able to improve my pictures. This is a revolution for me, as I can now have jaggie-free pics because I have aquired settings which eliminated mostly all jaggies present. Anyway, a lot less than I used to have (~1200% less!!). I can start a new evolution of Captain El's pics in this screenshot forum, so I am grateful to all those who helped me in this situation, and got me out of it... I say Thank you all! :DDD - Photo 15119
Thanks to all of your help and support, I was able to improve my pictures. This is a revolution for me, as I can now have jaggie-free pics because I have aquired settings which eliminated mostly all jaggies present. Anyway, a lot less than I used to have (~1200% less!!). I can start a new evolution of Captain El's pics in this screenshot forum, so I am grateful to all those who helped me in this situation, and got me out of it... I say Thank you all! :DDD
Submitted by : 09El_Boissevain
Added : Mar 20 2006
Hits : 2500
St. Maartens rating 9.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews