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> FS2004 > Who will land?

FS2004 Who will land?

- [800 x 600 JPG]
Who will land? Me or him/her? Please don't rate this picture at all. I know the quality is really poor, but I can't do anything about it. Again, thanks to the plane maker...
Oh btw, I landed. Not because of egoism. :P My plane was just faster, and I was cleared to land first... - Photo 13177
Who will land? Me or him/her? Please don't rate this picture at all. I know the quality is really poor, but I can't do anything about it. Again, thanks to the plane maker... Oh btw, I landed. Not because of egoism. :P My plane was just faster, and I was cleared to land first...
Submitted by : kdd
Added : Dec 23 2005
Hits : 2325
Who will land? rating 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews