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> FS2004 > Dassault Mirage F1-CR

FS2004 Dassault Mirage F1-CR

- [1280 x 960 jpg]
Does anybody know where I can find a decent freeware Dassault Mirage F1?:-) Beautiful model here, and a great contribution by Mr. Kirk Olsson...  I know it's the dark side, but I couldn't resist:-) - Photo 12315
Does anybody know where I can find a decent freeware Dassault Mirage F1?:-) Beautiful model here, and a great contribution by Mr. Kirk Olsson... I know it's the dark side, but I couldn't resist:-)
Submitted by : boiengman777
Added : Nov 24 2005
Hits : 7225
Dassault Mirage F1-CR rating 9.67 of 10 over a total of 9 reviews