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Special Effects
Fs2004 f-14d panel with integrated aircraft carrier catapult and arresting gear instruments gauges developed and released as freeware by rob barendregt and doug dawson, with special input from nick needham. It is to be used with the great gmax f-14d of dino catteneo and jeff dobbing (file name f14bfs9a. zip) that includes a vc. By todd mckee

Filesize: 2.89 MB | Added on: Mar 28, 2004 | Downloads: 5365

Users Reviews
FS2004 f-14d panel with integrated aircraft carrier. Rating: 8.20 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

Broonrating: 5
May 26, 2005
this file didnt work, it crashed back to desktop when i tried use the catapult
ajmartzrating: 9
December 6, 2004
I had the pleasure of downloading this file awhile back and ve used it quite a number times since. Now that have some time under my belt experimenting with it, ll tell you same thing told Todd. What great job did panel how wonderfully simple were instructions. got to work without hitch from very start. Great your team
lovellrating: 7
August 20, 2004
senobyrating: 10
May 21, 2004
Propsboyrating: 10
March 28, 2004
This is a must add on for the F14, especially if you want to go carrier, wonderful work. Thank you.