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Fs2004 Utility V6. 1. 3 Addit! Pro For Flight Simulator 2004 Addit! Pro Is A Comprehensive Addon Manager For Flight Simulator 2004. Easily Install, Manage And Remove Aircraft, Adventures, A. i. Flight Plans, A. i. Airport And Facilities Data, Flights, Flight Plans, Panels, Scenery, Skins And Repaints, Sounds, Textures, Videos, Weather And More! Archive Addons To Addit! Pros File Cabinet Or Recreate Them In Zip Files. Modify Your Aircraft, Panels And Sounds. Automatically Update Fss Scenery Library And More! See Readme. htm For More Detail. Requires Flight Simulator 2004: A Century Of Flight. By Joseph Stearns.

Filesize: 6.54 MB | Added on: Mar 23, 2004 | Downloads: 3677

Users Reviews
FS2004 Utility V6.1.3 Addit! Pro FS2004 A Comprehensive. Rating: 9.33 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

kalib77rating: 8
June 2, 2011
Cant go wrong with this one
ljhandrating: 10
July 5, 2004
The best utility available for management of your fleet. Joseph Sterns has top notch support any problems you might encounter. I recommend this to everyone.
SpectroProrating: 10
March 30, 2004
This program just keeps getting better. The improvements in this version are nothing short of fantastic. If you install more than one add on a year, MUST have program. purchase price is very reasonable and it pays for itself after couple uses. improved handling some files much appreciated the ability to use other apps WITH AI traffic manager, Afcad, tools tops great app off. buy only make one. You will NOT regret it. And personal service help they give if ever question or problem second none.