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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
P-39 bell airacobra compilation cfs2 aircraft converted for fs9 2 aircraft, 1 russian, 1 us converted by r. A. Baum originals and posted with permission by hagochu (akemi mizoguchi) hago_at_jcom. Home. Ne. Jp http: hago003. Hp. Infoseek. Co. Jp extra textures by christian nlte, ch. Noelte_at_freenet. De

Filesize: 2.35 MB | Added on: Mar 22, 2004 | Downloads: 2548

Users Reviews
P-39 bell airacobra compilation cfs2 aircraft converted. Rating: 8.25 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

bobsplacerating: 9
October 11, 2006
I liked this airplane a lot. It flew nicely and has great panel. it outta NAS North Island to Naf El Centro, did couple of bounces back San Diego....Easy fly trim....nice for my collection
Doougalassrating: 7
August 7, 2005
I m a P 39 fan, and tell ya, this is not the best out there. It s fine for flying, but showin off. Virtual cocpit useless, no custom sounds, uses Gaugues from CFS2 38. worst.
purpleponcarating: 9
September 22, 2004
i give it a 9 because dont think the power is quite right, but keep up good work, flies great, thanx and happy flying
sparkmanrating: 8
April 9, 2004
very cool this has always been one of my favorite planes, handles well looks good.. a keeper