Chiang Mai 2004. For FS2004 Chiang Mai International Airport is under the authority of the Airport Authority of Thailand. It was somewhat difficlut to find detailed information on this airport, and I had to rely on help from others. One person who really wanted to see this scenery made a point of getting a copy of the airport layout from the AIP and sending it to me. Photographs are helpful for making tailored buildings, but layout diagrams are invaluable to authentic placement of buildings and taxiways. Khun Sukit from Thaiflight. com also provided many useful picturegraphs. If you ever want someone to build an airport for you, you can encourage them by giving as much resources like these people have. I get lots of email from people asking for a specific airport, but they are unwilling to help out. I started designing the airport the same day I received the layout from Tanj. By Martin Strong