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Fs2004, kona at keahole international airport. Phko by: bill melichar description: this is a completely new kona, which is now more correctly laid out and very detailed. This is one of the most unique and beautiful airports in the world. It resembles a hawaiian village and botanic garden combined, and is completey open air. The airport is built on old lava flows, and the terminal area is full of lava rock walls, which was probably mined while constructing the taxiways, tarmacs, and terminal itself.. ..

Filesize: 5.55 MB | Added on: Feb 21, 2004 | Downloads: 1359

Users Reviews
FS2004 kona keahole Intl airport. Rating: 9.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

Falcon_162rating: 10
February 12, 2005
Nice job. A great addition to my hawaii airport collection.
mudmavis2004rating: 9
May 31, 2004