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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Conair bell 205 fs2002 fs2004 bell-205 uh-1h iroquois. universal use helicopter in conair livery. Conair textures by richard mcmaster. Original gmax-model by vladimir zhyhulskiy. Panel by lynn rogers and uses stock gauges. I wish i knew who to credit for the sounds. They are fantastic!! enjoy

Filesize: 4.54 MB | Added on: Feb 20, 2004 | Downloads: 3049

Users Reviews
Conair bell 205 FS2002 FS2004 bell-205 uh-1h iroquois. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

GravyTrainrating: 1
July 20, 2004
This aircraft didn t work for me First of all it came to be way larger that was aposed be, I am talking Boeing 757 BIG Plus most the textures and pilots were not good models at ALL