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Fs2004 Fairchild Metroliner Horizon Original By Jon Murchison. The Popular Metro In The Colours Of Horizon. fully Animated Surfaces. Animated Main And Nose Gear With Animated Rolling Wheels And Independent Suspension On Each Gear. New Texture Set Which Has Reflections As Appropriate, What Is Being Referred To As dynamic Shine This Is Basically A Highly Light Reflective Finish To The Models Fuselage And Wing Leading Edge Which Gives The Effect Of The Sun Moving Across Surfaces As The Aircraft Flys. Visible Flight Deck With Detailed Crew. Also Panel Visible With Full Night Effects. Light Mapping This Feature Replaces The Older Fs2000 Style _lm Textures Required To Replicate Night. The Use Of Light Mapping Does Require You Have Multi Texturing Switched On, Or You Will Not See The Effect During Dawn And Dusk. Wing engine Views From The Cockpit. Horizon Textures By Tony Madge

Filesize: 1.23 MB | Added on: Feb 10, 2004 | Downloads: 2313

Users Reviews
FS2004 Fairchild Metroliner Horizon Original Jon Murchison. Rating: 5.60 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

drmiller2rating: 9
October 2, 2004
this is a excellent addon the onley thing I did not like panel GPS work for me as have FS2002 other than that airplane never flown plain but been on one and auther job
klarorating: 8
March 5, 2004
propwashswrating: 9
March 2, 2004
Reading one of the comments written about this aircraft are a bit unfair towards painter model. He only painted it, not design it s flying characteristics. Truthfully, very difficult to fly according those that have piloted it. Because narrrow wings, requires lot runway. Not mention over years they ve been modified with wing and fuselage extensions which complicate handling. It forgiving if you get behind curve on The Horizon livery paint job is superb Sadly, Air no longer operates these opted turn their attention more modern economical Q400 s. Once again, Tony work marvelous.
jawakebcrating: 1
March 1, 2004
I would have to agree. It not fly Great Textures and okay animation.
clintosrating: 1
February 18, 2004
May have been better if the aircraft actually took off at some point. Worst I ve ever encountered. Sadly zero wasn t a numerical option.