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FS2004 Better frame rates patch by Eddie Batista

Filesize: 71.09 Kb | Added on: Feb 03, 2004 | Downloads: 16866

Users Reviews
FS2004 frame rates patch Eddie Batista. Rating: 8.12 of 10 over a total of 26 reviews.

Pugirating: 9
February 22, 2015
Thank work for me
543836475-facebookrating: 9
July 30, 2013
I cant get it to download i dont know why but sounds really good
shaun07rating: 7
April 4, 2013
I can t get this to download It seems like a great addon
fabyonerating: 10
August 16, 2011
thanks so much for sharing this precious single file Now my fps really improved and setting all the sliders to ma max...
MASUrating: 10
March 28, 2010
garouxrating: 10
March 16, 2010
Really work Thanks
ettuprating: 10
October 12, 2009
this is it
jacamacarating: 10
December 13, 2008
ya man
Brentskirating: 1
October 29, 2006
It doesn t work for me I have tried everything and still work. Can somebody tell how to do this.
Luke771rating: 2
November 19, 2005
It didnt do much, but it gave me an idea what the pach does is to replace file default.xml in autogen folder. So I tried a little experiment disabled feature by changing extension i.e. rename default.xml.bak . And works perfecly. That s worth try if you dont have high performance computer.
EricEsascorating: 3
May 15, 2005
I recommend FS Auto Start found here and on the web. Shuts down any program or process you specify, defrags memory launches programs while launching FS9 other . saw no real boost to frame rates prefer keep all of autogen scenery intact.
7e7-2005rating: 9
April 21, 2005
Great. Much faster now and easy to instal Thank you sooooo much
rlsellerating: 9
March 24, 2005
I downloaded and installed your program. am now running 28 37 fps as to 9 17 before. Installation was easy. A very good Thank you. Richard
FSAddict2006rating: 8
February 7, 2005
Thanks to this patch, I was actually able get 10 FPS on a 533 MHz AMD K6 2, 128MB RAM, WinXP Pro computer which is miracle . can upwards of 30 40 my 2.93 GHz PIV, 256 MB Intel Express Graphics computer, so has done twice as well for me. Kudos the maker patch.
steven88rating: 10
November 20, 2004
Save me some Frame
redbandrating: 10
September 27, 2004
I now have a frame rate of 40. This is really must utility. All my sliders are maxed out. FANTASTIC
exile34rating: 10
September 3, 2004
i usually had 1 7 fps now have a constent 20fps O.O it realy is MUST HAVE thanx eddy
a321-399rating: 3
August 12, 2004
I did what the instructions said, but there was no difference in frame rate.
lrrpsrating: 1
July 14, 2004
this dumbass was uploading a blank file.
Doughnutrating: 10
July 14, 2004
Supremerating: 10
July 5, 2004
It s one of the best and most importants must have for FS9. Just wonderful. Thank You Eddie.
shamanixrating: 10
June 22, 2004
jery123rating: 10
May 3, 2004
barkervillerating: 10
April 23, 2004
Replacing one little file made my framerate shoot up to a constant 25 30 with 3D cloud detail set full, and the draw distance 128km. An absolute must have.
sergioairbornerating: 10
March 17, 2004
it really help me
rjuniorrating: 10
March 16, 2004