Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
FS2002-2004 Aircraft FFX Boeing 737-800 VIRGIN EXPRESS The Boeing 737-800 brings not exclusively a new FS2002 FS2004? compatible aircraft, but added repaints done by a professional painters. You will find that we have completely done all of the model in Gmax material. It features the latest reflection including dynamic shine, lighting, and animation technology including authentic flaps, landing gears, thrust reversers, and dynamic wing views. This is exclusively the second in line of the Boeing 737 aircraft family. The Flight Dynamics is by Mike Baumann, and the model is by Erick Cantu. Textures repaint by JJ SCOHY scojj_at_swing. be

Filesize: 5.28 MB | Added on: Nov 24, 2003 | Downloads: 3366

Users Reviews
FS2002-2004 Aircraft FFX Boeing 737-800 VIRGIN EXPRESS. Rating: 9.40 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

bomberorating: 10
November 25, 2005
The best
musicmatt4rating: 10
November 21, 2005
I love this The aircraft textures are stunning
rav101rating: 10
August 11, 2004
gilduarterating: 8
January 30, 2004
very good work
scojjrating: 9
November 24, 2003