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Fs2004 Panel For Mc-donnel Douglas Md-11. Made By Marco Spada For Ifdg Md11 Using Third Party Gauges Instruments And An Original Bitmap Reworked From An Old Panel By Chris Alevritis With Added A Photorealistic Pedestal And Overhead Panel. M. spada_at_mclink. it Www. arch-spada. com panels

Filesize: 4.43 MB | Added on: Nov 15, 2003 | Downloads: 5903

Users Reviews
FS2004 Panel Mc-donnel Douglas Md-11. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

angallarrating: 8
June 9, 2013
WillyManrating: 5
October 10, 2004
If I could figure out how to stop this panel from hanging up, would recommend it as a down load, because has some terrific features.
danny1021rating: 8
August 1, 2004