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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Fs2004 fs2002 Stargate Goauld Death Glider 2, Heru Class. This Is The Newest Death Glider, Version 2, And Is The One Seen In The Series Stargate Sg1. This Is A Fully Functioning And Elaborate Model Of The Second Level Death Glider Two Passenger Alien Fighter. It Features Pilots, Opening Canopy, Retracting Transport Rings, Glowing Zatt Cannons, A Virtual Cockpit, Revamped Air. file For Smoother Flights, And Incredible Speeds Up To Mach 4. 64. Its Landing Gear Is A Magnetic Hover Field Like In The Original Movie. This Model Now Features A Virtual Cockpit For More Realistic Flying. This Captured Alien Craft Is Extremely Fun To Fly And Visually Impressive. Created By William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. Thanks To Mgm For Stargate, A Superb Movie And Series. (please Read The read Me File Before Flight, Important). Please Select unlimited Fuel In Your Aircrafts Realism Settings.

Filesize: 1.90 MB | Added on: Nov 02, 2003 | Downloads: 9809

Users Reviews
FS2004 FS2002 Stargate Goauld Death Glider 2 Heru Class. Rating: 6.27 of 10 over a total of 22 reviews.

sircrapsalotrating: 7
June 1, 2005
OK PLANE.... BUT very complicated to understand, and you need get over 25,000 feet before can rid of flaps takes a long time . BEFORE YOU RATE IT A 1 FOR GOING STAIGHT DOWN READ THIS Once ubove sea level easly go mach 3.5 controllably hope sum people who couldnt figure it out just did
thechosen1rating: 10
July 14, 2004
outstanding, try mach3 in 30seconds 500fett off the ground, but be sure u hav unlimited feul on it runs out very quickly, got up 2 95,000feet 2min. this plane is coolest
Blackhawk_stealth9rating: 10
June 21, 2004
This is The COOLEST, aircraft I ever seen in my entire life. Thank you SOOOOOO much Surclaro for feturing this aircraft. made day Quite Pleasant
henmacrating: 2
April 20, 2004
As soon as you throttle up Force feedback pushes this thing into the ground.
pp_kmtrating: 10
March 30, 2004
Randy601rating: 9
January 22, 2004
Great Very easy to fly and fast. I still have work on my landings but can zip through the tall buildings with no problems.
Schnipperrating: 7
January 19, 2004
wurtzrating: 1
January 9, 2004
elgatodelamarrating: 5
January 7, 2004
Very particular, this aircraft has a very nice looking. However, the bad sound, fact that tool board be classic and fly bit monotonal make bad. If author made inside of his better, it should good aircraft.
Wilburrating: 5
January 3, 2004
DO NOT USE WITH FORCE FEEDBACK It beets the crap out of your arm if u happen to let it slip. I also found this be allmost impossible fly once breaks 150 kts mark, has a bad tendency DIVE, you can hover and do sharp turns with speed break.
double_azsrating: 2
December 31, 2003
Fuel runs out after 2 minutes
rosscarterrating: 1
December 20, 2003
jamescorbettrating: 9
December 17, 2003
I love it So fast, yet you can hover and really have a look around. If had the pannels sorted out, would give this 10 Good work on one
jerryparkerrating: 8
November 29, 2003
Quite fun to fly, And I ve got admit, it s interesting pretend be the UFO blazing over country towns at 1500 knots and 1000 feet Congratulations author, would really like see other works he promises The panel needs work, but help with that. Someone out there should him make this thing a solid 10
viper4321rating: 2
November 21, 2003
doesn t fly worth a damn. i like the show and am happy someone tried to make ship for flight sim. but it wont at all. have everything. never gets above 130 knots then just goes into uncontrolled loops rolls spinning with speed faster slow down trim controls dont work.
massagerrating: 3
November 19, 2003
anzanigorating: 8
November 14, 2003
slash128rating: 8
November 13, 2003
This is a very fun and relativly easy craft to fly. Alltho it s imposible taxi can take of from almost anywhere Also probably the best thing about you get mach 3 or so altho iv goten 5 once Over all if u like shere speed really fly this one
Noodleboy2rating: 10
November 6, 2003
This is very fun and easy to fly
toomanycatsrating: 10
November 5, 2003
I intially had trouble with this ship. The problem was my Micrsoft Force Feedback Joystick. It flew perfect after disabled the feedback aspect of flies as advertised. Death to Go auld.
muzikelonerating: 1
November 3, 2003
i00swilrating: 10
November 2, 2003
I have been unable to download THIS file yet, but can say that version 1 works with FS2002 and is great fun fly.