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Fs 2004 Noorduyn Norseman Yukon Queen This Is A Textures repaint Of Brian Gladdens Norseman For Fs2004 In The Colors Of Qeen Charlotte Airlines. Repainted By Henry William Aka Odd Henry Spjtvold

Filesize: 2.18 MB | Added on: Oct 21, 2003 | Downloads: 2236

Users Reviews
Fs 2004 Noorduyn Norseman Yukon Queen A Textures repaint. Rating: 8.33 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

4midasrating: 9
June 29, 2004
Installed just fine for me. A bit of real history from the book The Accidental Airline written by Jim Spilsbury, founder QCA. Johnny s favourite Norseman, CF CRS, dunked with seven passengers pilot Cedric Mah.
Pedro-Mouloudrating: 8
December 21, 2003
Easy to install. Outer and inner very good like the handlings.
fattsrating: 8
November 11, 2003
Looks Good but FS9 says it has a problem. I tried two times and both after about minute or less the PC locked up.