Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Add On Scenery For Cfs1. Version 2. 0 Channel Fleet By David Sumners Aka Ddave. Essex Class Carrier With 2 Battle Ships And 4 Destroyer Escorts. located North Of Le Harve 27 Miles. Carrier Is Landable And Has Night Lights. Macros And Textures By Dan Geis, rafael Garcia Sanchez And Paul Harmon. built With Airport 2. 60.

Filesize: 889.11 Kb | Added on: Oct 14, 2003 | Downloads: 1471

Users Reviews
Add Scenery Cfs1. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

bluetoprating: 8
December 28, 2003
very cool ,first that it works not many do for somereason second,I just had an insane quick combat I m sending a screen shot from.My only Complaint and this isprobobly from my computer or lack of knowledge is plane blows up when try to land take off in full throttle.I seem have more luck down loading scenery than planes.I put all the bgl files textures by hand.anyway,very nice
wabashrating: 10
October 14, 2003
only works with combat flight sim not good suggestion make it for fs2004