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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Fs2002 Fs2004 Bombardier Challenger 300. An Fsds2 Aircraft With Moving Parts, Including Working Shock Absorbers And Landing Lights On Landing Gear. Also Includes A Custom Panel, Custom Gauges, A Dynamic Virtual Cockpit And Reflective Textures. By Chuck Dome. Public Domain.

Filesize: 1.14 MB | Added on: Aug 04, 2003 | Downloads: 7483

Users Reviews
FS2002 FS2004 Bombardier Challenger 300. Rating: 7.08 of 10 over a total of 12 reviews.

PRIVATE-GIBSrating: 10
November 15, 2005
kdog1752rating: 9
January 10, 2004
Fun to fly... Good work
494b01945brating: 8
December 29, 2003
Outside is visually impressive. The cockpit and views could be enhanced a bit. Good flight model dymanics. Overall not bad.
pilot2308rating: 10
November 22, 2003
Very nice. It was fun flying this plane. Even though I had some trouble with the airbrake during final approach just before touch down.
spychairrating: 10
November 15, 2003
damassierating: 7
November 12, 2003
Nice job . .well worth the small amount of time to download
missle_eaglerating: 1
October 30, 2003
I CANT download it.
merlin2002ukrating: 8
October 5, 2003
scrwbrating: 10
September 25, 2003
JOSHHLrating: 6
August 30, 2003
Rock solid performer. Very stable platfrom on landing. Everything went very smooth my first flight with this bird except for the fact that I encountered heavy tubulence entire from Sydney to Brisbane.
swallsrating: 1
August 25, 2003
Could not get it to download.
kingdograting: 5
August 9, 2003
Nice, but where is the GPS It should be in window 2 it not there.