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Fs2002 cfs2 Scenery Area B Railroad Valley, Nv This Fictional Scenery Includes Aeroworks Flight Center #4 Located In Railroad Valley, Nevada And Located 25 Miles North Of The Fictional Area A Scenery (afc3v2jt. zip). The Base Acts As A Weapons Development Center And Storage Facility And Has A 10, 000 Foot Runway With Ils Approaches. The Scenery Is Comprised Almost Entirely From Custom Designed Scenery Macros. And Works In Conjunction With Fs2002s Afd And Shows Up On Fs2002 Gps. Requires Airport 2. 10 And Vod 3. 0 Textures. Scenery And Static Aircraft By Jason L. Terry

Filesize: 2.18 MB | Added on: Jun 07, 2003 | Downloads: 1015

Users Reviews
FS2002 cfs2 Scenery Area B Railroad Valley Nv Fictional. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

Deztroydrating: 9
June 7, 2003
Yet againyou are building great textures and artistic enviroments A must have it you installed AREA 51, Thanks again I hope come out with a better scenary enviroment than what is located here http nuke html download.php op search query cid