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Fs2002 Scenery Area A Echo Canyon, Nv Version 2 This Fictional Scenery Includes The Huge Aeroworks Flight Center #3 Located In Echo Canyon, Nevada And Is About 40 Miles From The Infamous Groom Lake Complex Or Area 51. The Base Is Designed For Flight Testing Any Kind Of Aircraft For Fs, Long Runways For Heavy fast Aircraft, Ils Approaches For Instrument Landing Tests, And Plenty Of Hangars To Accomodate Large Aircraft. Version 2 Includes Several New Custom Designed Macros And Facilities As Well As The Usual Concept Aircraft Macros. Includes Navigational Aids And Works In Conjunction With Fs2002s Afd And Shows Up On Fs2002 Gps. Requires Airport 2. 10 And Vod 3. 0 Textures. Scenery And Static Aircraft By Jason L. Terry

Filesize: 3.14 MB | Added on: Jun 04, 2003 | Downloads: 1670

Users Reviews
FS2002 Scenery Area A Echo Canyon Nv Version 2 Fictional. Rating: 9.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

shadowpheonixrating: 10
July 10, 2005
Good Job Great Scenery add on here
ineedyousorating: 10
January 16, 2005
well all i can say is ACE love flying around here and if you look on your map u cant see it just like real life very done detailed area 51 .
Deztroydrating: 9
June 5, 2003
This is a great addition to your scenery library if you are an area 51 enthusiast very detailed and loads of fun have the Area installed. You can fly from A, test out new planes really use facilities as flight testing grounds. It would be fantastic author this come with just one Hats off my friend for such graphical talent Deztroyd