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Complete Aircraft
Fs2002 Asha Lockheed C-130e Maffs Hercules Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System Equipped For Fighting Forest Fires. Aircraft Has Full Night Textures Included. Design And Paint By Barry Blaisdell (pad), flight Dynamics By Jens Borgstroem (da) Panel Included By Clive Ryan, And Airsource Textures repaint By Andr Vermeulen.

Filesize: 10.18 MB | Added on: May 13, 2003 | Downloads: 2288

Users Reviews
FS2002 Asha Lockheed C-130e Maffs Hercules Modular. Rating: 2.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

stewart_182rating: 1
June 9, 2004
the textures are worst ive ever seen
Geoffersrating: 6
November 4, 2003
Great C130 seen better,works fine with fire fighting retardent.Only let down by no detial for weels and flaps,can not see inside aircraft fron spot plane view.
frizon68rating: 1
May 22, 2003