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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Fs2002 Atkinson Aj2. An Amphibious Fsds2 Jet Aircraft With Moving Parts, A Custom Panel, Custom Gauges, A Dynamic Virtual Cockpit And Reflective Textures. By Chuck Dome. Public Domain.

Filesize: 889.63 Kb | Added on: May 06, 2003 | Downloads: 2707

Users Reviews
FS2002 Atkinson Aj2 An Amphibious Fsds2 Jet Aircraft With. Rating: 9.17 of 10 over a total of 6 reviews.

Unitedfrating: 10
July 10, 2007
chriswallace83rating: 9
October 18, 2005
a great easy to fly aircraft. Turning on ground seems be little tough...takes wide turn, but in the air its fantastic. Beautiful job
JSFightermanrating: 10
March 25, 2005
1 of the best ive seen
Falcon349rating: 9
October 31, 2004
Very nice and easy to fly aircraft. Checklist would have been nice.
Iron_Eagle5rating: 7
August 19, 2003
Fun, but it could be a little more detailed and maneuverable. Overall, descent add on if you just want to have some fun flying an amphibious jet.
mrh777rating: 10
August 9, 2003