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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Fs2002 Ah-1t super Cobra Us Marines. Multi-weapon System Attack Helicopter, Two Seats, In Tandem (pilot In Rear, Copilot gunner In Front) Designer Rigoberto Sanchez. Airfile C. booth, Sound System By Manuel Gonzalez.

Filesize: 7.14 MB | Added on: May 01, 2003 | Downloads: 5305

Users Reviews
FS2002 Ah-1t super Cobra Marines. Rating: 9.29 of 10 over a total of 7 reviews.

SurfPArating: 10
December 8, 2006
This was a great download. Realistic and fun to fly
estradarating: 8
August 12, 2006
i downloaded this add on because have aspirations of flying the ah 1z updated version 1w but fs 2004 and no blades when fly it mean flys well, just cant see this, is very dissapointing could someone please help me fix this. usmcj thanks semper fi
meanmarinerating: 10
December 21, 2004
gopronerating: 10
August 20, 2003
Really cool May dad is a marine and I get 2 see Cobras really looks like it Semper Fi
AXE40rating: 8
June 19, 2003
Good download, fun to fly. I like the way crew turns head when tail rudder is turned, however they turn wrong way, oh well can t have it all huh. would see gun mount as aposed FLIR. Don picture of canopy. job overall. AXE
ICE_CO3rating: 9
May 5, 2003
a great model and flight dynamics, has an awesome paint job as well sound worth the time to down load.
anexusrating: 10
May 2, 2003
Excellent model.Great sounds. Nav landing lights would go a treat for night flight.