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Fs2002 Falcon 50. Textures repaint of the magnificent Dassault Falcon50 by Yannick Lavigne. This repaint is in fictional RNLAF 336 Sqn colours. The Sqn was usually stationed at Hato, Curacao, Dutch Antilles, but was recently disbanded. For future operations in the CONUS an Aircraft type like this might be more than welcome. by Rene Spaan

Filesize: 10.02 MB | Added on: Feb 24, 2003 | Downloads: 2852

Users Reviews
FS2002 Falcon 50 Textures repaint magnificent Dassault. Rating: 8.33 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

spoofproofrating: 10
February 18, 2004
This plane has the best interior i have ever seen by far
stuart853rating: 10
April 13, 2003
this is a gr8 aircraft. its got every thing, when you get it on to auto pilot switch virtual cockpit and can walk arount the plane, definetly worth wait
nkardrating: 5
March 13, 2003