FS2002 Scenery OSAKA (ITAMI) INTL AIRPORT (RJOO) OSAKA JAPAN. This scenery is including the textures of aerial picturegraph. These picturegraphs were shot by PHOTO TECHNO HOKKAIDO CO. LTD and KYORITSU AIR SURVEY LTD. Also they created harmonized with the map by these companys digital technology. (Permission number 00-04) by SOUEA (Eiichi Shimizu)
Users Reviews
FS2002 Scenery OSAKA ITAMI INTL AIRPORT RJOO JAPAN. Rating: 7.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.
FS2002 Scenery OSAKA ITAMI INTL AIRPORT RJOO JAPAN. Rating: 7.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.
Nemouwerating: 5
September 24, 2003
Belgarath2rating: 10
April 11, 2003