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FS2002 Scenery. Cibao Intl airport was located in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros (the First Santiago of all America), the new CIbao Intl was inagurated recently in December of 2002, but opened to operations in Summer of 2002, American Airlines, and other airlines serve and do daily flights to this city the second most important in the Dominican Republic. by Ricardo Morillo

Filesize: 3.02 MB | Added on: Jan 11, 2003 | Downloads: 1343

Users Reviews
FS2002 Scenery Cibao Intl airport located city Santiago de. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

alcapponerating: 8
March 2, 2003
TheOnerating: 10
January 30, 2003